Monday, January 28, 2013

Pizza and Twilight

I haven't had much to say lately, which I guess is a good thing.  My brain has been remotely empty, and things have been going smoothly.  We are currently on CD 6 and Waiting to Ovulate (waiting to O).  I am in a good place, my brain is re-energized and I am ready for this month.  I am optimistic that this is our month, and I am praying that I can make it through this month without any tears.  My goal is to drink 2 to 3 venti cups of water a day, if not more.  I am not good at drinking water and to be honest I am lucky if I drink any water at all. 

I have never been a big baker, or a great cook.  I set off the smoke detector more often then not. T definitely didn't marry me for my cooking.  But, I have been thinking of doing some baking.  I have some bananas that are needing some bread to go in. Tonight I made a pizza, which was phenomenal! I am proud of my pizza, T liked it a lot! He ate 2 very large pieces! I bought the dough, because I was lazy and didn't feel like making it.  I used a pesto sauce, lots and lots of cheese, chicken, green onion, red pepper, and some seasoning.  It was pretty good.  I didn't look pretty but dang, I was impressed with my pizza ability.

I was so mad when I realized that I forgot the bacon and artichoke hearts.  That was the part I was so excited about and then I forgot! I guess I will have them for the next time I make pizza, which if T has a say will be this week!

T and I went to my parents house last night for dinner.  It was a good time.  Mom and I shared a bottle of red wine.  Mom wasn't sure if she would like it since she doesn't like red wine, but I took over Yellow Tail Sweet Red Roo.  She liked it, and I must say, it's pretty good stuff. It isn't as sweet as Moscato, but its a good alternative, especially with something like Italian food. It would have been really good with the pizza tonight.  I didn't move much over there, I sat on the couch with a massager on my neck.  I pinched a nerve in my neck right at my hair line.  I am definitely noticing that the older I get the longer it takes me to bounce back from any type of injury.

I don't really have much more to say, gonna start my "Twilight" marathon.  I am gonna try to get T to watch with me, but I am pretty sure I have a better chance of him chewing off his leg.  I realize these movies are totally dumb.  But I can't help it, I am sucked in.  I can't wait for the last one to come out on DVD.  I am rambling like a teenage girl right now, so I guess I will quit blabbing on and on. 

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