Tuesday, October 29, 2013

16 Weeks and Still Working.... Thankfully

Okay so long story short, we did not go on strike!  I went today and voted for the new contract.  After looking it over it looks good.  We didn't loose anything, and we didn't gain anything.  We got exactly what we were asking for.  The same thing we had...

Other then that nothing else is going on.  Work has been nuts, I worked 54 hours last week, and I'm working on that this week.  T and I got into it a little because I am worried we won't have enough money for the holidays.  I told him I wanted to get a second job at Target for just a few extra hours a week.  He basically laughed at me and told me I was crazy.  I am sure that I am.   So I guess I should do my bi-weekly update, since I can't seem to remember to do this every week.

How far along are you? 16w1d

How big is Baby? 5 inches, 5 oz

Fruit Size? Avocado

Weight Gain?  No clue, but I don't think I have gained too much, maybe another pound or two.

Gender?  I don't know anymore, I want a healthy baby.  Everyone says boy still, hoping to find out in a couple weeks.
Maternity Clothes?  Pretty much all the time now, they are just super comfy.

Stretch Marks?  Nothing I didn't have before.

Sleep?  Getting anywhere between 6 and 10 hours of sleep every night.  Still seems like it isn't enough.
Symptoms? Boobs are still hurting, I have some abdominal pain every once in a while, but nothing too bad, just some pulling and stretching.

Movement? NO!!! I am growing impatient.  I know that 1st time moms don't feel it this early but I wanna feel it now!!!
Food Cravings?  Not really, but T brought it to my attention the other night that I have been eating more cottage cheese then usual, and now that I think of it, I have to have it in the house.  I eat it almost daily.  So I guess yes, I like cottage cheese.

Labor Signs? not for a very long time. 
Belly Button in or out? In... don't think it will go out.

What I miss? I miss not being so freaking thirsty all the time!!!
What I am looking forward to?  We have an appointment next Monday.  I am excited to hear the babies heart beat. 
Best moment of the week? Getting through this week.... it's been crazy with work!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Who Is Going to Hire the Pregnant Lady???

That is the question I keep asking myself....

I have not been fired, I have not been let go or laid off.  We are going on strike.  I work for Safeway, I do everything there, everything from Bookkeeping to being a Starbucks barista.   As of Monday night at 7pm we will be walking off the job.  I am scared, I am afraid that I won't have insurance and I am afraid I won't get maternity leave. 

Today I worked 10 hours, trying to help with the chaos of the store.  I told my manager I would stay until my body started hurting.  Well, I could only do 10 hours, which is pretty normal for me.  But right now, while I am sitting here, I am exhausted and think that maybe I over did it a little.  Maybe tomorrow I will only work 9 hours. 

The good thing is, I guess, is that the holidays are coming and all the shops are looking for extra help.  I plan on going to Target and Macy's if the strike last too long.  I will also go to Starbucks to see if they will need help.  Since I am trained and already certified I should have a foot in the door, so to speak.

I guess, that is all, we will see what the next 24 hours brings us.  T says that we will be alright for a little while, but I still worry.  I guess for right now we will just see what the future brings us.  As of right now, the future is bringing us a lot of uncertainty. 

Monday, October 14, 2013

14 Weeks!!! Update!!!

Things here are good.  I caught a cold.  I think just a head cold.  T has it too.  I don't think he is used to me getting sick.  Normally I just give it to him!!!  Our 2 year anniversary is tomorrow and I have a feeling we will be sitting at home eating grilled cheese and chicken soup. 

How far along are you? 14 weeks

How big is Baby? 4 to 4 1/2 inches long
Fruit Size? Lemon

Weight Gain?  Technically, I lost 5lbs. but now I am up 2lbs.  So I guess I am still down 3lbs or so.

Gender?  Everyone is still saying boy, I am starting to become convinced.
Maternity Clothes?  Jeans, all the time, and some tops.

Stretch Marks?  Nothing I didn't have before.

Sleep?  I am starting to sleep better, thankfully.  Invested in a body pillow.
Symptoms? Boobs still hurt like mad.  But that is the only thing I got right now.

Movement? I think I have felt some flutters.  But it could have been gas.  I don't know....
Food Cravings?  Mac n Cheese with Ranch dressing... I know now that I think of it, it sounds gross.

Labor Signs? not for a very long time.
Belly Button in or out? In.... Probably for a long while now.

What I miss? Wine.
What I am looking forward to? Movement... I can't wait for regular movement.
Best moment of the week? I got to hear the babies heart beat last week.  The Dr. had a hard time finding it, but she did.


Thursday, October 10, 2013

Crazy? I was crazy once.....

So not much has been going on here in our little world.   I am just cruising along nicely.  I assume things are going the way they are supposed to, I have an appointment on Monday so I will probably find out more then.   I am 13w3d as of today, and I am feeling good.  I have been sleeping better, and eating better, and I think that is what is giving me more energy.  I am very excited to be out of the 1st trimester.  I still have my moments of paranoia, I am sure those will always be around.

Work has been busy, and chaotic.  I work for a major grocery chain here in Washington.  Well, a couple weeks ago, 98% of my co-workers, union members,  and I voted to strike if the employers didn't bring another proposal to the table. Which will basically take away all major grocers.   I am not going to get into the politics of it all, but they are trying to take away our benefits and make us use Obamacare.  Which is a bunch of crap.  That is all I am going to say about that.  But needless to say, people have been crazy, and asking so many questions, and shopping before they can't shop anymore.  Which I appreciate the fact that a majority of our customers wouldn't cross the picket line.  But, holy hell its been busy.

Because of the possibility of a strike, T and I have put off house hunting.  Which totally sucks! And it makes me sad to think that we will be bringing baby home to this cold damp house.  But, I guess I can be happy that we are bringing a baby home, and we have a house to bring it home too.  So I am in the process of making this house our home, don't ask me why I haven't in the last five years done this.  But now it seems that it is more important then ever.

In other news, we have found a Cardiologist for T to go to, T comes from a long line of bad hearts.  His dad had a quadruple bypass by the age of 48 and has had 5 heart attacks since.  3 of his dads brothers died before they hit 55.  T has high blood pressure and high cholesterol, and after changing our diet and numerous meds, its not working.  His numbers are still high.  So we sought out a Cardiologist, one of the best in the Greater Seattle Area. 

So I guess there is more going on then I thought.  Or maybe not a lot going on, but just some big stuff coming up.  But, here's hoping we don't strike.  Cause as much as I would like a vacation, I would like to have a stress-less vacation.  But, I guess I could get the house in order!!!