Thursday, August 1, 2013

Long Time No Update!!!

This is going to be quick, but I wanted to give an update just in case anyone actually reads this thing.

We have a diagnosis.... kinda.

T's swimmers are good.  They are a tad slow, but they are in good shape.  My uterus looks good, my lining is good, but my FSH and DHEA are elevated.  My FSH is only elevated a little bit, Dr. A doesn't think it is something to be really concerned about at the time being, but my DHEA levels were elevated enough to cause concern.  So I am on something called Dexamethasone, and I will be on it until I get a positive pregnancy test.  We are still waiting for the HSG to take place.  Since that is all Out of Pocket cost, we have to save for it.  So hopefully with the Dexamethasone we will be successful.

We are currently in the TWW, we had good timing this last cycle, and T is more hopeful then usual.  I am 10dpo and know that I could test, but I am TERRIFIED of a negative result.  There is always that hope that we will get a positive, and I kinda wanna hold on to that for a little bit longer.  But the anticipation is killing me, and I am so emotional about it this month that I am not sure anymore.  I have had some bad phantom symptoms, I guess they aren't any different then any other month, but the one that I have noticed more is that I am pretty short tempered and emotional.  I woke up this morning all happy and bouncy, and then after talking to L I was crying. 

I am assuming that I will test some time this weekend, if I have the courage.  If not then I will test some other time.... I don't know.

Anywhoo, that's about all I got for ya today.  Hopefully I will be able to update more a little later.  But again, there really wasn't much to update!!!

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