Thursday, October 10, 2013

Crazy? I was crazy once.....

So not much has been going on here in our little world.   I am just cruising along nicely.  I assume things are going the way they are supposed to, I have an appointment on Monday so I will probably find out more then.   I am 13w3d as of today, and I am feeling good.  I have been sleeping better, and eating better, and I think that is what is giving me more energy.  I am very excited to be out of the 1st trimester.  I still have my moments of paranoia, I am sure those will always be around.

Work has been busy, and chaotic.  I work for a major grocery chain here in Washington.  Well, a couple weeks ago, 98% of my co-workers, union members,  and I voted to strike if the employers didn't bring another proposal to the table. Which will basically take away all major grocers.   I am not going to get into the politics of it all, but they are trying to take away our benefits and make us use Obamacare.  Which is a bunch of crap.  That is all I am going to say about that.  But needless to say, people have been crazy, and asking so many questions, and shopping before they can't shop anymore.  Which I appreciate the fact that a majority of our customers wouldn't cross the picket line.  But, holy hell its been busy.

Because of the possibility of a strike, T and I have put off house hunting.  Which totally sucks! And it makes me sad to think that we will be bringing baby home to this cold damp house.  But, I guess I can be happy that we are bringing a baby home, and we have a house to bring it home too.  So I am in the process of making this house our home, don't ask me why I haven't in the last five years done this.  But now it seems that it is more important then ever.

In other news, we have found a Cardiologist for T to go to, T comes from a long line of bad hearts.  His dad had a quadruple bypass by the age of 48 and has had 5 heart attacks since.  3 of his dads brothers died before they hit 55.  T has high blood pressure and high cholesterol, and after changing our diet and numerous meds, its not working.  His numbers are still high.  So we sought out a Cardiologist, one of the best in the Greater Seattle Area. 

So I guess there is more going on then I thought.  Or maybe not a lot going on, but just some big stuff coming up.  But, here's hoping we don't strike.  Cause as much as I would like a vacation, I would like to have a stress-less vacation.  But, I guess I could get the house in order!!! 

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