Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Back In The Saddle Again

CD1, yay!

I woke up this morning feeling a little crappy.  I was due any day now, so I wasn't surprised.  Right now I am curled up with a heating pad, and a glass of wine.  Mmmm, I love wine, and my heating pad.  I am so ready to start trying again.  Ready for the crazy to come back! I am all stocked up on OPK's and HTP's, really hoping that I need to use both of them this month.  After AF leaves, I told T that there was no saying no this month.  Whenever either one of us gets a hankering, we are just going to go for it.  I am actually excited for this month, which I haven't been excited in a while, so apparently this was a well needed break. 
I went to my Grandparents house today with A, and my two sisters.  It was so nice to see them.  I am always scared when I go over there to see them. I am afraid that I am going to go see them and my grandpa, who I love so very much, will not be okay.  He has fallen many times over the last few years.  And the man that I thought would never fall, is now wheelchair ridden.  Now granted, he is over 90 and is still quick minded and witty.  His mind is still sharp and he is still very, very informative.  When my oldest sister and I were growing up, we would go to my grandparents house every summer.  We learned to cook, garden, and golf.  My grandpa taught us how to golf at a very young age.  It's one of my favorite past times.  I grew up listening to Hank Jr., Willie Nelson, Patsy Cline, and Tammy Wynette.  I would wake up to the smell of breakfast and my grandma whistling along to the music in the kitchen. 

I have pictures to load when my computer decides it wants to cooperate.  A picture of my grandpa holding a trophy in the 1940's and then a picture of the trophy itself.  Which was sent to him from Arlington High School.  I also have a picture of him in the Navy that I want to share.  But, unfortunately, my computer is being dumb.  I am looking forward to going back to there house in March for his birthday.  And then this summer I want to take T up to the golf course that I learned how to golf on, and show him all the places that we called home when we were kids.  I love it up there, and I miss it terribly.  When we go, I will remember to take a lot of pictures, so that way I can always remember it. 

Here we go! The pictures! I took pictures of them when we were visiting today! I think they turned out good!

I am very proud of my grandpa.  He will always be a hero to me! Grandpa is the one in the upper left hand corner.

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