Well it looks like we won't be doing this the old fashioned way. AF showed up today, which makes this cycle 21. Ugh, cycle 21? What the hell? How the hell did we get here?
Not much is going on here, I am working like a mad woman. I am tired, and over worked, and seriously under paid. Work has been a monster. It's been crazy busy going into the summer season. I am still working in three departments, but I am sure once my raise kicks in I'll get pulled from Starbucks. Which makes me sad, I love it there. I am going to try to sweet talk management into letting me stay there at least once a week.
Besides work, there really isn't much else going on. I am hoping for some sort of answers next week. Even if it is just some sort of plan. But until then, I'm kinda in limbo. I don't like limbo. It sucks.
OH!! I am going to see A tomorrow. I am taking her a butterfly balloon, and a hula hoop! I am so excited to teach her to hula hoop. And in order to teach her to hula hoop, I have to buy myself a hula hoop!! I'm so excited!!
R's baby shower was this last weekend. It went really well, I was glad that I was able to share the day with her. I was really scared going to the shower, I wasn't sure how I would react. Thankfully T went with me since it was coed. He was a little uncomfortable at first, but after a little bit of time and a beer he loosened up. She got a lot of really nice stuff. I went over to her house yesterday to help her put some of the stuff together. I put her swing and bouncer together. And hooked up her monitor, and made sure that everything was secure. They moved her due date back to July 12th.
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