Monday, March 24, 2014

37 Weeks!!!

How far along are you? 37 Weeks

How big is Baby? 19 to 22 inches long, and roughly 6.5 lbs.

Fruit Size? Watermelon

Weight Gain?  Still only have gained about 14lbs.  At the rate I have been gaining, I am sure that its probably 16lbs by now.  I will find out on Friday.

Gender? Girl!!!
Maternity Clothes?  All the time.

Stretch Marks?  Only on my hips so far, but I have a feeling there are more in my future!

Sleep?  Finally a little better. I have had a terrible cold all week last week, and wasn't getting any sleep.  I finally got a good solid 6 hours last night.
Symptoms?  Have I mentioned how bad my heartburn has been??  Its been terrible.

Movement? Yep, all the time.  She moves around constantly, and I am sure that I will miss all the movement after she is here.  But by that time I will have an outside baby, and I won't care!
Food Cravings?  I like Lucky Charms. 

Labor Signs?  My Braxton Hicks have started getting really strong, some of them I actually have to breath through, but nothing consistent.
Belly Button in or out? Still in, but I think that's cause I still have my belly button ring in, and I think its keeping my button from popping.

What I miss? This week I miss wine.
What I am looking forward to?  Having an outside baby!!!!  
Best moment of the week? We have our hospital tour tonight!!! I am so so so outrageously excited!!!!

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