Tuesday, October 29, 2013

16 Weeks and Still Working.... Thankfully

Okay so long story short, we did not go on strike!  I went today and voted for the new contract.  After looking it over it looks good.  We didn't loose anything, and we didn't gain anything.  We got exactly what we were asking for.  The same thing we had...

Other then that nothing else is going on.  Work has been nuts, I worked 54 hours last week, and I'm working on that this week.  T and I got into it a little because I am worried we won't have enough money for the holidays.  I told him I wanted to get a second job at Target for just a few extra hours a week.  He basically laughed at me and told me I was crazy.  I am sure that I am.   So I guess I should do my bi-weekly update, since I can't seem to remember to do this every week.

How far along are you? 16w1d

How big is Baby? 5 inches, 5 oz

Fruit Size? Avocado

Weight Gain?  No clue, but I don't think I have gained too much, maybe another pound or two.

Gender?  I don't know anymore, I want a healthy baby.  Everyone says boy still, hoping to find out in a couple weeks.
Maternity Clothes?  Pretty much all the time now, they are just super comfy.

Stretch Marks?  Nothing I didn't have before.

Sleep?  Getting anywhere between 6 and 10 hours of sleep every night.  Still seems like it isn't enough.
Symptoms? Boobs are still hurting, I have some abdominal pain every once in a while, but nothing too bad, just some pulling and stretching.

Movement? NO!!! I am growing impatient.  I know that 1st time moms don't feel it this early but I wanna feel it now!!!
Food Cravings?  Not really, but T brought it to my attention the other night that I have been eating more cottage cheese then usual, and now that I think of it, I have to have it in the house.  I eat it almost daily.  So I guess yes, I like cottage cheese.

Labor Signs? not for a very long time. 
Belly Button in or out? In... don't think it will go out.

What I miss? I miss not being so freaking thirsty all the time!!!
What I am looking forward to?  We have an appointment next Monday.  I am excited to hear the babies heart beat. 
Best moment of the week? Getting through this week.... it's been crazy with work!

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