Holy Crap things are crazy!
There is so much crazy going on here, that I am not sure what which way is up anymore. I have been working like a crazy lady. Trying to keep everything going forward. In the mean time, whoa is there a lot going on in this house! Speaking of houses.....
We start looking for a house in about a month or so, we have to save a little bit of money, but not nearly as much as if we needed to have a down. I am so outrageously excited to have a house with walls that I can paint. And carpet I can rip up, and walls I can tear down, and fences I can build, and gardens I can grow. I am just can't wait. I am in charge of talking to the realtor and finding a place. T was in charge of the money, and talking to the gal about how much we could be pre-qualified for. Now we wait, and we pack our patience, because I don't want just some piece of crap house that I have to rebuild from the ground up. I want a house that we can grow into, and be proud of. I want us to have a house that is safe for us, so when we do finally have a baby, I don't have to be worried that the house is going to fall apart around us.
In other news.... baby news.... we are around O, I think. I haven't peed on anything. I am in the process of going crazy! Not using OPK's is going to drive me absolutely crazy! I am sure that I am going to O at anytime now. Either tomorrow or Wednesday. Hopefully we can get another get another really good sexy time in either tomorrow or Wednesday. If we get pregnant this cycle then we will be due at or around Christmas. Which should be interesting, to say the least. I am going to try really hard not to get my hopes up to high this cycle. But I know that by the 11th or 12th I will be going absolutely crazy! I do have to admit though, this month hasn't been nearly as stressful as other months, and I don't know if that is because I have been preoccupied with the house hunting or if that is because I haven't been peeing on things.
I also got my hair cut today, and I LOVE it!!! its super duper cute, and it's going to be really nice for the summer. It short but not to short, and will be nice when I want something different, or when I don't want to put my hair in a ponytail. And now that I am thinking about it, I don't think I can actually put it back in a pony tail. But anyways, I have bangs, I haven't actually had actual bangs in years, or decades, its been since either the late 90's or early 00's. Man, what was I thinking. LOL.
That is about all that is going on. Work has been a bear, and I am absolutely hating it! I am being pulled into all sorts of directions. But I am getting my hours, and I am getting a house soon. In the end I guess it will all be worth it. I should be getting my next raise in a couple months, and then hopefully I will get more after that.
Congrats on the pre-approval!! how exciting! have you poas?? any news?