Friday, December 27, 2013


Bad blogger! I know there aren't many out there that read this silly thing, but I feel bad for not updating. 

We are all still alive here. Little girl is kicking up a storm, my pregnancy has been going alright so far.  Just some minor stuff, I have been having problems keeping my blood pressure up, and its been causing some vision problems.  Since Christmas is over now, and hopefully work will slow down, and I'll be able to go to shorter hours. 

I'll update more eventually.  Sooner rather then later!!!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

IT'S A......

UGH.... I am a serious slacker this month!! I am just going to do a super quick update!

T and I are doing good.  Baby is doing really well.  We had our Anatomy Scan last week and let me tell you... this is one stubborn kid I am carrying. It took almost the entire appointment for them to get a good gender shot.  But after 35/40 minutes of trying.... we finally found out what we are having. 

We are officially having a girl.

She is stubborn.   She is still very low and when we saw her she was head down.  She refused to open her legs wide enough to get a good look to make sure she was indeed a girl.  As soon as the tech said she was indeed a girl, I started crying.  I honestly think I would have cried if they told me that it was a boy, but I guess we will never know.  All of her measurements were good, she is measuring right on track.  I have an Anterior Placenta which is why I haven't felt much movement. 

We have another appointment Monday, which was just my monthly appointment.  But we are taking this opportunity to ask questions that I should have asked at our appointment.  And honestly, I didn't have any questions then.  But now, I do.  I have a few actually.  And I think T has a couple. 

I'll post some pictures soon.  I am going to try not to be such a lazy slacker and post more.