Monday, August 26, 2013

Today I Choose To Be Positive!

Not much going on this week. T and I just got done meeting with the real estate agent and looking at a couple condos.  Interesting....

I am exhausted and feel like I could sleep forever.  I wish I felt less bloated and just a little more pregnant.  I worry a lot, which I am sure isn't healthy.  But I am trying to remember that, today I am pregnant and I am extremely happy.  I have always been a huge worrier, and a majority of the time it has gotten the best of me, and sent me into a panic attack.  But this time, I am trying to say positive.  I am trying to give myself pep talks when I feel myself getting down, or starting to worry. 

How far along are you? 7 weeks and 0 days

How big is Baby? Itty bitty....
Fruit Size? Blueberry

Weight Gain?  Not to sure... Haven't really been keeping track

Gender?  Everyone says boy... only one person has said girl.
Maternity Clothes?  Kinda, I picked up a couple things because my pants were getting tight and I had some stuff coming up where I couldn't wear yoga pants too...

Stretch Marks?  No new ones.

Sleep?  Lots and lots of it.
Symptoms? Sore boobs, tired, nauseous, hungry, thirsty, oh and really tired.... did I mention that??

Movement? oh no... way to early for that.
Food Cravings? No cravings, just want to eat.

Labor Signs? not for a very long time.
Belly Button in or out? In.... Probably for a while now.

What I miss? right now I miss not being bloated all the time.
What I am looking forward to? September 12th, our next appointment with the new doctor. 
Best moment of the week? Going to the dr. and seeing buns heartbeat.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

One Perfect Baby!!!

We had our appointment today! Dr. A was so surprised to see us! And to see us pregnant!  And as you can see from the picture below! We are 100% pregnant!!!  She changed our due date to April 14, 2014.  I love that date! I think it has such a wonderful flow!!!

Anyways, I am feeling pretty good.  Lots and Lots of bloat! I get hungry about every 2 to 3 hours, and I still have unquenchable thirst! I am getting up to pee about twice a night, and have some problems getting comfortable.  My boobs still feel like they are going to fall off my body at any given moment.  But other then all that, I am good. 


Monday, August 12, 2013

We Have A Bun!

Betas came back today! 1295! 95 shy of doubling, but they said this was okay! My pregnancy looks like its going good.  I have an ultrasound tomorrow.  I am going to assume that things are progressing the way they should.

I have always been a huge worrier, and this is no different.  I am constantly poking and prodding at my boobs to make sure they still hurt.  I am terrified to go pee in worry that I will see blood.  I know I am being irrational, but I am terrified. 

We went camping this last weekend.  That was a freaking adventure.  We went fishing and caught our dinner one night.  Friday night was so stormy! Huge thunder claps and lightening flashes, there were at least 3 storms around us at once.  And the rain! Oh man did it come down! In freaking buckets!!! It was crazy! Anyways, when ever my sister and I would start talking about me being pregnant we always had to censor it a bit.  I would love to tell A, but it is too soon, and I don't want to give her bad news if anything were to happen.  So we started calling the baby "bun" as in "bun in the oven".  We got a pretty big laugh at of it for a while there.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Betas Are Back!!!

Second Beta came back today at 695!!! YAY!!! Stick Baby!!! Stick!!! We will go in again on Friday morning very early before we hit the road for our camping trip! I'll update again on Monday!!

I have had a little bit of queasiness yesterday and today.  Nothing to bad though, still able to function.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Super Quick Update!

Beta #1 came back at 300.  I go in tomorrow for another and then again on Friday morning before our camping trip.   Progesterone came back at 57.  Anything over 20 is good!  So as long as my Beta number doubles we will be good!!!

Monday, August 5, 2013


We are officially Pregnant!!! I have to admit, we weren't expecting that this month! 
So far so good, I feel a little bit weird, but I can't tell if its all in my head, or if I am actually having pregnancy symptoms.  My lower back is hurting like crazy, and I have had some mild cramping, but no spotting, and no blood so I assume things are moving along they way they are supposed to.   I called Dr. A this morning and was told to go in for a Beta and Progesterone test.  I should get the results back tomorrow afternoon at sometime.  Then I will go in for a repeat beta on Wednesday and possibly Friday.  Basically until my beta comes back over 1,000 then I will have a ultrasound.  I know we won't hear the heartbeat for a while now, but I am still excited!

We have told our folks and I have told almost all of our friends.  I can't seem to keep this a secret, when I know I should at least try for a couple weeks.  We are a little under 4 weeks pregnant, and I know I should just be quiet for a couple more weeks, but I can't help it.  I am excited and people know!  I have a good feeling about this, I am sure this will be a sticky baby.  T won't let me go buy anything for a little bit.  But I have started pregnancy journal, that I am sure I will keep up with for about a month and then forget about it.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Long Time No Update!!!

This is going to be quick, but I wanted to give an update just in case anyone actually reads this thing.

We have a diagnosis.... kinda.

T's swimmers are good.  They are a tad slow, but they are in good shape.  My uterus looks good, my lining is good, but my FSH and DHEA are elevated.  My FSH is only elevated a little bit, Dr. A doesn't think it is something to be really concerned about at the time being, but my DHEA levels were elevated enough to cause concern.  So I am on something called Dexamethasone, and I will be on it until I get a positive pregnancy test.  We are still waiting for the HSG to take place.  Since that is all Out of Pocket cost, we have to save for it.  So hopefully with the Dexamethasone we will be successful.

We are currently in the TWW, we had good timing this last cycle, and T is more hopeful then usual.  I am 10dpo and know that I could test, but I am TERRIFIED of a negative result.  There is always that hope that we will get a positive, and I kinda wanna hold on to that for a little bit longer.  But the anticipation is killing me, and I am so emotional about it this month that I am not sure anymore.  I have had some bad phantom symptoms, I guess they aren't any different then any other month, but the one that I have noticed more is that I am pretty short tempered and emotional.  I woke up this morning all happy and bouncy, and then after talking to L I was crying. 

I am assuming that I will test some time this weekend, if I have the courage.  If not then I will test some other time.... I don't know.

Anywhoo, that's about all I got for ya today.  Hopefully I will be able to update more a little later.  But again, there really wasn't much to update!!!